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Submit Your Work for Oakton's 2024 Women’s Art Show: "Inflection Point: Gender Futures, Political Possibilities"
Submit Your Work for Oakton's 2024 Women’s Art Show: "Inflection Point: Gender Futures, Political Possibilities"
Oakton seeks submissions that express life at the gender margins, particularly those highlighting disparities across socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, religious, ability-based and international groups.
Des Plaines, Ill (June 3, 2024) – Seeking artists with an original point of view! Oakton College is excited to announce the call for submissions for this year’s Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) Art Show. This year's theme is "Inflection Point: Gender Futures, Political Possibilities.”
Entering its 16th year, the show has significantly expanded its geographic reach and thematic diversity. The exhibition has featured works by artists from across the U.S. and internationally, including Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, China and Puerto Rico.
“Each year, we intentionally select a theme relevant to local and global issues concerning women and other minoritized groups,” said Lindsey Hewitt, Oakton's distinguished professor of Anthropology and Humanities and coordinator of the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program. “As the field of Women and Gender Studies has grown and changed, so too has the focus of our exhibitions. We continue to emphasize inclusivity not only in our show themes but also in the display of works by artists from diverse backgrounds and identities.”
This year's theme, in particular, asks artists to create works that reflect how current debates and conflicts concerning gender intersect with many other forms of violence and marginalization in our country and globally. The annual juried art exhibition seeks to illuminate the challenges and possibilities that coexist in our diverse and intersecting communities. The exhibition will be hosted at the Oakton College Koehnline Museum of Art located at the Des Plaines campus from Oct. 3 - Nov. 1.
Submission Details
Eligibility: Open to female-identifying, trans and non-binary artists with a professional exhibition record, aged 18 and over.
Theme: Submissions should focus on women, non-binary or queer communities, reflecting either contemporary or historical contexts, in both public and private spheres.
Requirements: Artworks must adhere to the theme "Inflection Point: Gender Futures, Political Possibilities." Works unrelated to the theme will not be considered.
Submission Guidelines and Deadline
Images/Videos: Submit JPEG images (minimum 300 dpi and at least 1 MB). Label each work with the artist’s name, title of work, date and medium.
Statement and Biography: Provide an artist statement and biography in Microsoft Word format, not exceeding 150 words. Submissions without statements and bios will not be accepted.
Media: All media are considered. Special accommodations will be made for performance works and installations, subject to space compatibility.
Deadline: All materials must be submitted via the Art Submission Form by Aug. 9.
A public reception will be held Oct. 10, from 5-8 p.m., where artists will engage with students, faculty and other attendees about their work.
For inquiries about the submission process, please contact Nathan Harpaz, Museum manager, at nharpaz@oakton.edu.