On Sunday, March 16, some online services, including registration and bill payment, will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. D2L Brightspace and MyOakton will remain accessible for users with valid credentials.
The Access and Disability Resource Center provides assistive technology support to students via specialized computers, loaner equipment and more. We want every Oakton student to have the opportunity to learn in an inclusive environment that allows them to study effectively and comfortably. You can make arrangements for assistive technology to be available in specific areas of campus with the help of our Assistive Technology Specialist. Or, stop by the center to use one of our specifically outfitted computers.
Assistive technology helps students with disabilities by changing the functionality of learning materials. This technology can range from something mechanical like a specialized camera to a digital product such as a computer app. Oakton offers both mechanical–hardware– and digital–software–assistive technology products to students, listed below.
Questions About Assistive Technology?
To start getting assistance, contact Laura Pristera, our Assistive Technology Specialist. You can also learn more about how to request disability services and read some common questions-and-answers regarding Oakton's assistive technology support services.
Laura Pristera Assistive Technology Specialist 847.635.2656 lprister@oakton.edu
Des Plaines Room 2400
Skokie Room A135
Literacy Software
Helps students complete reading, writing, research assignments and tests.
Kurzweil 3000 Reads text aloud to students from digital and print formats. Scans documents in color and black/white.
Read & Write 9 GOLD A literacy software solution that allows students to complete reading, writing and research assignments, as well as take notes.
WYNN Transforms printed text into spoken word to help with reading, comprehension and writing.
Accessibility Software
Magnifies computer window, reads digital text aloud.
ZoomText Magnifies/enlarges the screen to provide a better view for reading and provides a text reader application.
JAWS Screenreader Allows students who are blind or have low vision to read the computer screen by converting text to speech.
Speech to Text
Dragon-Naturally Speaking Turns talk into text, transcribing up to 160 words a minute. Creates documents, emails and completes forms.
Duxbury Braille Translator/Braille Conversion
Converts digital text to braille for printing and enables blind and visually impaired to read and write.
Service - CART (Communication Access Real-time Translation)
Provides students who are deaf or hard of hearing the instant translation of what is being said into a visual display to be read.
CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television)
Projects a magnified image onto a video monitor or a television (TV) screen.
SmartView 360 Provides a camera to see across a room and enlarge/magnify any text through a monitor or a television screen.
SmartView Synergy SI Magnifier Offers a wider field of vision to display a document’s full width easily.
Scanner/Book Reader
Scans, converts images to PDF, and reads text.
Intel Reader Reads scanned materials that are saved on the computer.
Plustek Bookreader Integrates high-speed scanning and accurate text-to-speech capabilities.
Note-taking Tools
Livescribe Echo Smartpen Records and plays back everything written and heard.
Auditory Aid
Motiva Personal FM System For classroom amplification and recording.
Who has access to Oakton’s services?
Though primarily intended for students with disabilities, all students have access to A.T. resources.
Where do I find these services at Oakton?
Resources are available throughout the semester in the Learning Centers at both campuses. Des Plaines (Room 2400) Skokie (Room A135)
When can I receive services?
Resources are available throughout the semester in the Learning Center. Interested students must first speak with an ADRC staff member who will determine the appropriate services to provide.
Can students borrow equipment to use outside of the college?
Yes, there is a loan program. Students also can request assistive technology in their classrooms or other campus areas where they study.
Where can I learn more about Oakton’s A.T. services?
The ADRC holds workshops throughout the semester to inform students about the resources the office provides. These workshops acquaint students with the technologies and services available through the ADRC. Students also can schedule one-on-one appointments with the Assistive Technology Specialist, Laura Pristera, at 847.635.2656.